Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Week 3: OLTA

Ugh! Terrible week! It was the usual stress, then the hubs was out of town. Well, the diet just went to hell in a handbasket, really. I tend to not eat well when he's gone. There's no one to police me, and I have NO willpower. I ate at my mom's a couple of times, and everyone knows how bad that can be. The minute I walk in, I'm like OOOOOO, SNACKS! PLUS, there was the bday party on Monday. Can you say, cake and ice cream? Anybody want some????? Please get it out of the house!

Weight: 161 lbs. (+4!!!)
Attitude: bad :-(

I haven't been to the gym in a week. And now it looks like I may not ever get to go back. Colby's colostomy has been having some issues. The bag won't stay on. So, when he's at school during the day, and the nurse is there, no problems. It seems like every day at 3:30, when the nurse leaves, all hell breaks loose (as does the bag). So now I have to pick him up by 3:30 every day. WEll, I can't even leave work until 2:45, and it's 20 minutes to the gym. I'd have to walk in, turn around, and leave again. Hubs may be able to pick him up on Wed. and Fri., his early class days. That could help. Now, if I could just teach those papers to grade themselves, all would be perfect.

Anyway, I'm not out of this contest yet. I know I feel utterly defeated right now, with birthday cake in the fridge, but I am a fighter. I will whip all your asses! And mine will end up a size 8, dammit! It will!


Sayre said...

I hear you on the fitting it in issues... I will be resorting to riding my bike to work several times a week once my sinus medication has kicked in (terrible infection at the moment). There just aren't enough hours in the day!

Nikki said...

Don't you dare give up!!!

Minor setback Mama C.

It's like getting an F on a report when you know the material.

You can do it.

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