Monday, August 28, 2006

Week 2: OLTA

Check in day!

Weight: still holding at 157.

I wasn't too good last week. I had pizza TWICE on Friday. Also ate out on Saturday night. It was a rough week, with psycho mom out there. Sometimes a girl just has to have some "bad" food. Oh, well. At least I maintained!

Today, I went to the gym. What a good little girl I am! I am going to lose my whole ass! (I have to go. I can hear the boys banging stuff around in the living room.)


34quinn said...

hey, keep up the good work!!! Take some frustrations out at the gym I love healthy competition, bring it on!! It helps keep me motivated.

Thanks for the words of encouragement on my blog and back at ya!!

Oh I think there are another few pieces of pizza with YOUR name on them better go get some before they are all gone...k..hahahahaha.

OhTheJoys said...

Mama C -
Keep at it! I've been doing weight watchers for 10 weeks and the weight IS coming off.

Thanks for your comment today - What a weird Google search, no? But I thought, hey, I have no pride at all... I can make the most of that today!


Sayre said...

You're going to lose your WHOLE ASS? What are you planning to sit on once you accomplish this????

I gained one, but I don't feel too bad about it. I was dealing with female issues and was way too into the freezer chocolate. Must love carrots!!! celery!!! apples!! Whoo-hoo! I'm gonna beat you!

Nikki said...

Good job for maintaining Mama C.

No go eat more pizza and drink beer.

What? Beer is low cal. (snicker)

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