Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey gone, gone

Another happy holiday over and done. I cannot believe it is almost Christmas.

We went to the in-laws yesterday for food and fun. I actually contributed this year. Made a right lovely bread casserole thing. It was yummy! So moist and flavorful. I liked it. A Weight Watchers recipe no less! I think we will see that one again before next Thanksgiving.

The food was yummy. The turkey was moist this year. Cheese actually ate all his food! B-rex ate most of his. Well, all his turkey and gravy. No green beans or rice. Whatever. He barely eats most days anyway. Hubs took the boys for a walk along the creek that runs behind his parents house. He confided in me on the way home: It used to look much bigger. I just laughed. I'm sure the boys thought it was a big adventure, traipsing along in the "woods" behind the house. And they were spending quality time with their daddy. That's the most important part. They'll always remember that.

Now the Christmas fun begins. I've already ordered some movies as gifts for the boys. Power Rangers. Fun for them, not so much for Mom and Dad. Ordered some DVDs for my bro too. That reminds me, he suggested that I check their registry to see what was left. I don't know what to get his new wife. She can be difficult to buy for sometimes. I hope my dad and GiGi send their lists soon. I hope we get that bonus check soon too, so I can pay for all this stuff!

Hope all had a happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Somewhat Big Goings On

Last weekend was FU's Homecoming. It also happened to be my 10th reunion year. How exciting! I was really feeling "old" due to this. I know that 32 is not really old, like that 70 is old, but it is still a number larger than I really feel at this point. Most of the time. Anyway, I was really looking forward to seeing some old friends, acquaintances. There was no one there. At the tailgate, we ran into some of Hubs' old fraternity brothers. That was nice, but I was only over there for a few minutes. Then we had to go back and meet up with his parents to get our football tickets. We totally missed the "official" class thingy that night, since we had agreed to eat dinner with his mom and dad, and we didn't have an extra $40 anyway.

Later Saturday night, we went into downtown Greenville, where the party was supposed to be happening. It was dead. Lame. A few of the "guys" were there, but there was nothing to do! The band was awful! Beach music! Which is fine if you are at the beach, but it was about 60 degrees outside, and we were in the foothills of the mountains. Not a good combo for beach music.

So, the evening was kind of a flop. We could have gone over to the Normington's, but honestly I was just tired. It was already after 10, which is a pretty hard and fast rule of bedtime around here. I was disappointed.

The boys had a good time at the ball game though. They stayed in our seats during most of the first half, so we actually got to watch the game. Then, at halftime, we went over to a little grassy hill at the side of the stands, and let the kids play. There are always a lot of little people playing touch football, or just hanging out over there. Furman, such a family destination.

Oh, and they won the football game. Furman, I mean. Beat Elon. Go Paladins!

In a fit of cuteness, both boys have now announced that they are going to play football at Furman when they get older. They are tickled to know that Gramma and Pop will be at all the games cheering and waving the flag. How cool! Guess we'd haveto go to more than one game a year!

This week at work has been pretty good for me. On Monday, I was awarded the Culture of Excellence award. I was nominated by the French teacher for all the work I've been doing to keep Latin alive at our school. Our principal even called me "an unsung hero" and said nice things about me for a couple of minutes while I blushed and wanted to sit down. In addition to a plaque, I also got a gift certificate to Olive Garden! Hubs and I are going out this Friday. Far be it from me to let a g.c. sit around. And Olive Garden is one of my favoritest places!

When I'm not so tired, I will update on the boys. Cheese has not had the best week at school.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

My Halloween Pictures

Last night, we went trick-or-treating with Princess and her friend Erin. Princess was a mermaid. Not Ariel, just a regular, run of the mill mermaid. Erin was a Barbie princess, or something like that. Cheese decided to be the grey/silver Power Ranger. B-rex at first was Donatello the Ninja Turtle. Then he changed his mind and decided he was going to be Buzz Lightyear. (In between, he wanted to be a power ranger too, but we don't have a costume in his size.)

We went around in my sister's neighborhood. Hubs missed the festivities again. For the 3rd year in a row. Oh, well. He can see the pictures. And so can you:

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